Car Club Cincinnati
Smyth Imported Car Service Inc.| Car Club Cincinnati

Smyth imports supports many car clubs or automotive enthusiast community is a group of people who share a common interest in motor vehicles.
A car club or automotive enthusiast community is a group of people who share a common interest in motor vehicles. Car clubs are typically organized by enthusiasts around type of vehicle
Historically, car clubs refer to off-line entities, typically organized as non-profits and run by volunteers (who were most often elected). Some clubs were large enough to be run as a paid business with salaried employees; in the 1960s, some were sponsored by car dealers.
Many car clubs charge membership fees in exchange for benefits, such as publications and events. The publications typically contain photographs, messages from other members, service and parts advice, items and vehicles wanted and/or for sale, and historical material of interest to the membership. Car clubs often host gatherings (called "meets") which often also welcome interested non-members.
Arriving a day early for an RROC judging seminar, Sam Smyth II and his wife Lori toured the Foundation Museum and bought a Lifetime membership for their young son Patrick. Saying, "What a great way to get kids involved," the Smyths sent out a challenge to other members to invest in the next generation and get them engaged with cars early. Patrick is the fourth generation of the Smyth family who have repaired and restored luxury cars and exotic sports cars. It all started for the Smyths in Belfast, Ireland where Patricks great-grandfather, George, conducted business at Stadium Motor Works From 1934-1957. he handled many specialty ears including Rolls-Royce and Bentley, Hisixano Suiza, Cord, Auburn. Pierce-Arrow, Lagonda. etc. In the '50's. his son, Sam Smyth Sr., who had caught "car fever" too, worked in New York City. He then moved to Cincinnati and opened a franchise to sell jaguars and Saabs, as well as Rolls Royces that he imported from his father's garage in Inland. At a second dealership in Pompano Beach. Florida, Smyth sold Porsche, Lotus, Mercedes, Jaguar, and Rolls-Royce. His son, Sam Smyth II, became intrigued with the big-bodied cars which he encountered in his grandfather's shop as a young boy, and the rare "birdcage- Maserati that his father owned and raced. Later. in his fathers garage he happily learned and trained under the tutelage of Sam Sr. and his mechanics. He says his dad told him "he was passing on to me things that noone else was to know. " He applies that special information everyday as the proprietor of Smyth Imported Car Service in Cincinnati. Now it's Patrick's turn. He already enjoys getting under the hood with his dad. That love for thoroughbred motorcars that stilted with his Irish great-grandfather has taken hold again. A family legacy and his Lifetime Membership in the Rolls.Royce Foundation wiIl help shape his future. (This article is featured in the Rolls Royce Owners Club The Flying Lady)
Sam Smyth is either a present or former member of the following car clubs Rolls-Royce Owners Club full member over 20 years- -Regional - Silver Cloud Society full member -National RROC full member and trained and appointed National Judge USA -National RREC full member and trained and appointed National Judge UK -Region Ohio full member -Region Modern Car Society full member -Region Indiana full member -Region Florida full member -Region Derby Bentley Society full member -National full member Rolls-Royce Foundation -Sam's Son is also the youngest ever lifetime member of the Rolls-Royce Foundation -Full member Phantom II Society of the Rolls-Royce Owners Club